Wheelchair Access

All Mountain Line buses are equipped with a ramp for easy wheelchair access, and an area on the bus where wheelchairs can be safely and quickly secured. Drivers will ask passengers if they prefer their wheelchair to be secured, and assist with that securement as requested. Empty wheelchairs and those without brakes must be secured.

For passengers boarding with a walker, cane, or stroller, the bus can “kneel” to minimize the step up onto the bus.

Personal Care Attendants accompanying a passenger with disabilities may ride without charge.

Learn more about Mountain Line Paratransit

Riding the Bus

Mountain Line Code of Conduct:

The safety of our riders, drivers, and the public is Mountain Line’s number one priority. This Code of Conduct has been established to maintain a safe, comfortable, and efficient transit system. Failure to comply with these policies may result in a refusal of service and/or a service suspension. Click here for Mountain Line’s full Code of Conduct and Transit Services Suspension Policy.

  • Failure to pay proper fare or fraudulent use of pass.
  • Disruptive conduct: loud, abusive, threatening or profane language, arguing, intimidating, fighting, delaying service.
  • Failure to follow driver instructions and posted notices/policies.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco, or using electronic cigarettes (vaping) on the bus or within 20 feet of a signed bus stop.
  • Panhandling on the bus or at a signed bus stop.
  • Large items that block the aisle and movement of passengers.  All items must be secured during transport.
  • Pets are welcome but may not occupy a seat and must be under control at all times.  Animals displaying aggressive behaviors, threatening other passengers, and acting disruptive manner will be refused.
  • Loitering: Riding without purpose and staying on a bus for more than one loop.
  • Consuming food or beverages while on the bus is not permitted.
  • Noxious or foul materials/substances and/or possession of flammable, explosive, or hazardous materials.
  • Corrosive or soiling substances, including biohazards.
  • Improper use of seating.
  • Posting or distributing unauthorized materials.
  • Shoes and clothing are required.
  • Riding skateboards/skates on board Mountain Line vehicles or at signed bus stops.
  • Criminal activity.

Tips for a safe and Comfortable Ride:

  • Have exact fare ready prior to boarding. We cannot give change or refunds.
  • Present proper eligibility identification to qualify for reduced fares and have it ready prior to boarding.
  • For the safety of all passengers, riders should refrain from speaking with the driver while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Strollers should be folded and moved out of the aisle.
  • Please offer priority seating to the elderly and persons with disabilities.
  • Keep aisles clear of obstacles and stow large items out of the aisle and under your seat.
  • Conduct phone conversations and listen to audio/video devices in an appropriate manner that does not disturb other passengers.

Boarding Locations

Mountain Line Transit bus stop signs and/or shelters are at each bus stop throughout the City of Flagstaff. Buses will only stop at these locations to board and discharge passengers.

Passenger Boarding and Disembarking

Passengers must inform the driver that they want to disembark one block before their bus stop by pulling the cord above the passenger windows. Drivers will not stop at every bus stop unless someone is waiting to board.

Special Needs/Paratransit:

Our Paratransit system provides special needs origin-to-destination service to persons who, because of a disability, cannot ride the public bus and are approved in advance.