Mountain Line launches “See Say Now” app to enhance safety

FLAGSTAFF, AZ (December 9, 2020) – Mountain Line launched the new “See Say Now” app on Wednesday, December 9 to give riders and staff an easy-to-use resource for reporting security concerns and safety hazards onboard Mountain Line vehicles and at stops and connection centers.
Designed by ELERTS, the See Say Now app provides a direct connection to Mountain Line staff who can assist with safety concerns as they arise. The app allows customers to submit a photo and description of the issue and select from a list of report options and locations. Report types include Disruptive Behavior, COVID-19 issue, Human Trafficking, Vandalism, Unattended Bag or Package, and more.
Mountain Line purchased the See Say Now app through funding received from the Federal Transit Administration’s Human Trafficking Awareness and Public Safety Initiative. While the app will be a valuable resource in combatting human trafficking in the Flagstaff community, it will also be a vital tool in Mountain Line’s safety program.
“Everyone has the right to a safe and secure transit trip, and the See Say Now app puts the power in the hands of our riders,” said Mountain Line CEO and General Manager Heather Dalmolin. “Safety is Mountain Line’s number one priority, and it is a team effort, so if you see something, we encourage you to say something.”
Mountain Line is the transit agency in northern Arizona operating fixed route bus service on nine routes, paratransit service, vanpool, and seasonal Mountain Express service to Arizona Snowbowl.
ELERTS is a Massachusetts-based software company that provides a mobile reporting platform for airports, mass transit, cities and other organizations. The company was founded in 2010 on the belief that while “See Something, Say Something” is easy to understand, it is not so easy to report a concern. ELERTS delivers a communication platform that lets Operations Centers receive and respond to incident reports in a timely and efficient manner. By deploying mobile technology that enables crowd-sourced incident reporting, ELERTS is putting safety and security in the hands of smartphone users everywhere.