Route 66 – Red

Downtown Connection Center to Christmas Tree Estates and Flagstaff Mall Connection Center (via East Route 66 and North Highway 89)

Route 66 Full Schedule

Peak Service: 30-minute frequency
Off-Peak and Weekend/Holiday Service: 60-minute frequency

San Francisco transit map featuring the Blue Route 2, San Francisco.

Route 66 – Red Schedule

Downtown Connection Center to Christmas Tree Estates andFlagstaff Mall Connection Center (via E. Route 66, N. 89)

Weekday Regular Service:
5:49 a.m. to 10:05 p.m.
Weekday Peak Hour Service:
5:49 a.m. to 6:05 p.m.
Weekend & Holiday Service:
6:49 a.m. to 8:38 p.m.
  Monday - Friday Weekend / Holidays
Stop/Location First Bus Last Bus First Bus Last Bus
1. Depart Downtown Connection Center
Stop Code: 24
6:15A 10:15P 7:15A 8:15P
2. Bus stop not currently served
3. Rt. 66 / Switzer Canyon Dr. (Fry’s)
Stop Code: 25
6:19A 10:19P 7:19A 8:19P
4. Rt. 66 / Ponderosa Pkwy
Stop Code: 26
5. Rt. 66 / Arrowhead Av.
Stop Code: 27
6. Rt. 66 / Fourth St.
Stop Code: 28
6:24A 10:24P 7:24A 8:24P
7. Rt. 66 / Steves Blvd.
Stop Code: 29
8. Rt. 66 / Fanning Dr.
Stop Code: 30
9. Hwy 89 / Country Club & FUTS Trail
Stop Code: 31
10. N. 89 / Smokerise Dr. (Maverick)
Stop Code: 32
6:31A 10:31P 7:31A 8:31P
11. Christmas Tree Ln. / Snowflake Dr.
Stop Code: 33
12. Winter Dr. / Christmas Tree Ln.
Stop Code: 34
13. Arrive Flagstaff Mall Connection Center **
Stop Code: 35
6:38A 10:38P 7:38A 8:38P

Flagstaff Mall Connection Center to Downtown ConnectionCenter (via E. Route 66)

Weekday Regular Service:
5:49 a.m. to 10:05 p.m.
Weekday Peak Hour Service:
5:49 a.m. to 6:05 p.m.
Weekend & Holiday Service:
6:49 a.m. to 8:38 p.m.
  Monday - Friday Weekend / Holidays
Stop/Location First Bus Last Bus First Bus Last Bus
13. Depart Flagstaff Mall Connection Center
Stop Code: 35
6:15A 9:45P 7:45A 7:45P
14. Rt 66 / Fanning Dr. (Jack in the Box) *
Stop Code: 36
5:51A 9:51P 6:51A 7:51P
15. Rt 66 / Steves Blvd. (Super Pawn)
Stop Code: 37
16. Rt 66 / Fourth St.
Stop Code: 38
5:54A 9:45P 6:54A 7:54A
17. Rt. 66 / Arrowhead Ave.
Stop Code: 39
18. Rt 66 / Ponderosa Pkwy.
Stop Code: 40
19. Rt 66 / Switzer Canyon Dr.
Stop Code: 41
5:59A 9:59P 6:59A 7:59P
20. Rt 66 / San Francisco St.
Stop Code: 42
1. Arrive Downtown Connection Center
Stop Code: 24
6:05A 10:05P 7:05A 8:05P

* Begin Service
** End Service

Mountain Line will service each stop listed. Use the Transit mobile app for accurate real-time arrival times.