Reports & Plans
Year in Review Reports
Get a snapshot of Mountain Line’s accomplishments, highlights, statistics and ridership trends for the entire fiscal year.
Strategic Work Plan
In conjunction with the Board of Directors and the Transit Advisory Committee, Mountain Line establishes a Strategic Work Plan to guide the agency’s activities, budget and programs.
Annual Reports
As required by the Federal Transit Administration, Mountain Line produces an Annual Report each fiscal year to outline accomplishments, achievements and highlights from the year. In addition, Mountain Line also produces a snapshot each year, offering a one-page look at the agency’s performance.
Zero Emissions Bus (ZEB) Transition Plan
The Mountain Line Board of Directors adopted the ZEB Transition Plan in January 2021. Phase One modeled battery electric and fuel-cell electric buses on Mountain Line routes and hours of service and incorporated Flagstaff’s topography, climate, and utility rate structure. Phase Two of the ZEB Transition Plan provided a detailed implementation plan of battery electric buses.
Phase One: Fleet Technology Analysis
Phase Two: Detailed Implementation Plan of Battery Electric Buses
Financial Audit Reports
As required by the Federal Transit Administration, Mountain Line contracts with a third party to conduct a financial audit each year, and the results are presented to the Board of Directors.
Planning Studies and Reports
Mountain Line’s Planning Department develops several short-term and long-range planning documents that guide many of the agency’s activities, policies, and initiatives.
Mountain Line Kaspar Headquarters Master Plan
Mountain Line Transit Guidelines
Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan