Board of Directors
The NAIPTA Board of Directors exists to ensure representation of all NAIPTA partner members. The Board views itself as being primarily a policy-making and governance body. The Board has delegated the administrative functions to the NAIPTA General Manager and staff subject to ongoing monitoring and oversight.
Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule
Mountain Line FY2025 Regular Meetings
Next Meeting: September 13, 2024
September 18 Quorum Courtesy Posting
Public Comment Process
The NAIPTA Board of Directors welcomes public comments during meetings. Members of the public can comment on items not on the agenda under the general call to the public and on items on the agenda at the time the item is considered, in the agenda order. There are three ways to submit comments:
- Written Comments: Members of the public can submit public comments by email up until 9:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments can be emailed to and should reference if the comment is part of the general call to the public or in reference to a specific agenda item. Every email, if received by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting, will be entered into the official record.
- Virtual Comments: Members of the public can join the meeting virtually to deliver public comments. Those wishing to attend virtually must email by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting with their name and agenda item for which they wish to provide comment. The Clerk of the Board will provide a link to access the meeting via Zoom and will introduce those giving public comments at the appropriate time in the agenda.
- In-Person Comments: Members of the public can attend any Board meeting in-person and submit a speaker card to the Clerk of the Board.
Mountain Line public meetings are streamed live on our YouTube page at
* Alternates ** Designee
Tony Williams: Coconino Community College | Josh Maher: Northern Arizona University | Lori Matthews: City of Flagstaff | Jeronimo Vasquez: Coconino County | Miranda Sweet: City of Flagstaff |
To request an older agenda please email your request to