FLAGSTAFF, AZ (January 19, 2022) Mountain Line is applying for the FY2022 Section 5311 grant, which provides rural transportation assistance. As part of the grant application, Mountain Line is conducting outreach to bring awareness of the project the grant will fund. This grant will be used to continue the Vanpool program which serves Coconino County, outlying areas, and any partner requests receives. It operates through a contract with Commute with Enterprise. Some of the costs to Vanpool participants will be subsidized through the 5311 grant and matched from Coconino County.
This public meeting will be held virtually on February 17th from 4:30pm – 5:30pm via Zoom. Log-in information can be found below. At the meeting, interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the project. Interested persons may also submit oral or written evidence and recommendations with respect to said project.
Anyone wishing to comment on this application should do so by February 17, 2022. Any public or private transportation or paratransit operator wishing to provide an equivalent service to that proposed above should submit a written proposal detailing the service that operator would provide. A copy of the grant proposal can be available for public inspection at Mountain Line, 3773 North Kaspar Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86004.
If information is needed in another language, contact 928.679.8903. Si necesita información en otro idioma por favor póngase en contacto con 928.679.8903.
Zoom meeting log-in:
Meeting ID: 857 1018 1269
Phone option: 1-253-215-8782
Estella Hollander
Mobility Planner
Mountain Line