Mountain Line Seeks Input to Update the Region’s Transit Plan

FLAGSTAFF, AZ (JUNE 29, 2021) – Mountain Line is initiating an effort to address how it can best provide and fund future transit services for the Flagstaff region and encourages all transit riders and non-transit riders to help inform this process to create a community driven transit plan – Flagstaff in Motion.
“As Flagstaff continues to change, it’s important that we prioritize investments in transit to address the transportation needs of the communities we serve and ensure our transit system continues to support the region’s economic vitality and key initiatives such as climate action,” said Mountain Line CEO and General Manager Heather Dalmolin. “We want to hear from all community members to create a transit plan that reflects the diverse transportation needs and priorities of the community.”
Mountain Line is currently seeking input to inform the development of transit service scenarios for the region. The range of possible transit service scenarios will be made public by late summer and community members will then be asked to provide input to help Mountain Line prioritize the scenarios and develop corresponding tiered funding options.
Community members may provide feedback by visiting the newly launched project website at The website features details about the plan development process and includes various poll questions and an interactive map that allows you to place pins on the map to make suggestions and provide comments. As planning efforts progress, this site will continue to be updated with new information and opportunities to share input throughout 2021.
Community members may also share their input and sign up to receive project updates and notices about public input opportunities for Flagstaff in Motion by sending an email to and/or by leaving a message on the project phone line at (928) 851-3888.
The framework for the Flagstaff in Motion plan will be based on the results of community feedback and a comprehensive technical evaluation. The plan development process is anticipated to conclude in December 2021.